A tele-class is a virtual classroom created simply by picking up the phone! Using a conference call format, you'll be connected with other eager participants (sometimes internationally) who want to learn new skills and apply them immediately! Tele-classes are highly interactive and includes discussion and learning activities - just like a regular classroom! Each tele-class typically last an hour. It's perfect for learners in remote locations. A tele-class is conducted by a tele-class leader who utilizes specialized facilitation skills to bring out the best in each participant!
  • Living a passionate life

  • "Help! I'm stuck!" (Get out of your rut!)

  • Speak your truth - anytime, anywhere!

  • Fear-BUSTER: Courage made easy!

For information on an upcoming Tele-Class please Click Here
How does it work?

Once you are enrolled, you will receive an email confirmation. Included in this confirmation will be all the information you need in order to participate in the call. At the appointed date and time, call the numberyou have been given and wait to be greeted by the tele-class leader. You then will receive further instructions on how to effectively participateduring the class.

Contact Meade at :meade@beyondlimitslearning.com